Asphalt Overlay including Petromat Overlays
Most paving contractors are engaged in grading for parking lots and street improvements. Very few paving contractors grade for building pads, slopes and other areas.
The most important factor in grading for surfaces is drainage.
All drainage for surface lots should be directed to the street or to a catch basin that drains to the street, whenever possible.
Petromat is a geotextile fabric that is used to slow down reflective cracking on newly resurfaced asphalt areas.
Petromat can only be applied with hot oils like AR4000 or AR8000 oil. After spreading the hot oil, a specially outfitted tractor applies the petromat, which is rolled as a carpet. The new asphalt is laid on top of this combination. It is recommended that a minimum of 1 – 1/2 inches of asphalt be applied over petromat.